The Bill McNeal

Sammy’s overestimating both his value and appeal.

This did it. This was the one. I am submitting my resignation from Twitter and kinja.

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

Hey everybody, remember this?

Possible AV Club article titles about GMG going under (for good) after Ellie Kemper sues the pants off of them:

This article is what ended my long-standing readership of The AV Club. This site is awful, and has been since the takeover, but I just needed that straw to break the camel’s back.

tbh i already did, i’m not really here, i pre-wrote a few months of posts.

Spike Lee just doxxed Ellie Mae Clampett.

If Sam and William follow her out the door, it could be a nice site again. There’d be far less “which celeb can we pounce on today?”

Tatiana, I think you should resign from the AV Club for writing this awful, misleading article. It was wildly irresponsible and you no longer can be trusted when delivering news. 

Bit rich coming from the pasty AV Club of all places

There’s more black people at Veiled Prophet Ball than work at the AV Club

Barsanti didn't write this?

Speaking as That Guy who goes out to see all the superhero whiz-bang movies, IMO that first viewing in the theater in IMAX 3-D is still worth the price. Would I go see a sensitive character drama about a woman dying of a rare disease in the theater? Nah. But a massive spectacle gets a lot of value-add when it takes

I thought the movie would be the mystic quest for the 8th WONDER OF THE WORLD...The backside of Water!!!!

I thought for sure the article was going to judge the moral character of DeNiro, Streep, Roberts and Cooper for working with a convicted creep.

What an asinine take. You’re probably going to find yourself out of work when G/O Media is sold to another private equity firm. Do not use this article in your portfolio.

Proving once again that the only thing dumber than Barsanti's writing is his facial hair.

Charlie Day

Lost in New York? The streets are numbered. How’d you get lost in New York? It’s a grid system, motherfucker! Where you at? 24th and 5th? Where you wanna go? 35th and 6th? 11 up and 1 over, you simple bitch.