The Bill McNeal

Listen, I actively seek “toxic” products that aren’t leaking and if I’m buying produce I put it in those little plastic thingies. Every other consumable is packaged. I don’t give a shit if you bag them together; I’m not hurtling the bag down a cliff before I put the items away.

Oh, you want HTML script to work, huh? Just wait, you’ll figure out the formatting tools feature is way better. You won’t even want to use HTML script anymore. And if you do, well, you’re stupid and you’re wrong and it’s sure not Kinja’s problem. KINJA!

Ah, but here’s why not being able to easily find articles or keep track of your own comments just might end up being the best thing to ever happen to you!

This is exactly the kind of thing we should be outsourcing to Cameron Esposito.

Did she survive the Kinjapocalypse? Did her haircut?

Kinja Ernie will fix it. He fixes everything. And your post is very important to him. Estimated time to fix is a little less than 17 months.

(Unfurls medieval Kinja manual. It is covered in cobwebs; a bloody handprint is smeared down the cover.)

There is none. Leave now, provincial scum.

Kinja: we don’t really want you to read comments, that’s why we only show you 5 of them before you have to click on “Load More Comments” again. And again. And again ...

Love the new site!