The Bill McNeal

I forgot about that. They carried that plot thread over into the Jaws 2 novel as well.

I'd have loved a Jurassic Park film where Muldoon got to do a little more. Even if he died in the end still.

What? You didn't enjoy the drawn out scenes of Hooper banging Brody's wife?

What about a new Wild Cards story? He should get cracking on that.

I'm wondering if he'll stick around through the India tour in September, although I can't imagine why. Unless he's just another bodyguard, I can't imagine who he'd fight. I doubt his in-ring skills have improved with age…

I know. But I also know that the WWE can be bone-headed most of the time, and the way they kept putting her down as a loser made me think they were going to throw in one of those infuriating swerves.

I remember when everyone was talking about how Smackdown was the superior brand following the draft.

Kevin Owens and Renee Young's banter almost makes up for this PPV.

It was like the cherry on top of the shitty, dull sundae that was that PPV.

I can't imagine why they've only done this match two other times in the history of the WWE.

No one thought this match through, did they?

I just have this gut feeling that Lana's going to win this, with all they trash-talking they've done about how terrible she is.

Would have been nice to get a better angle, but it still looked pretty good.

Part of me really hopes that Freddy Krueger is more then just a background character and they got Robert Englund back to voice him.

I always assumed that if Danny Trejo was playing any "feared bounty hunter" from the DC universe, it would have been Lobo.

Does that mean Stan Lee's going to take credit for her too?

Is Trump: The Art of the Deal too cliche of a pick now?

That's alright, because real velociraptors were the size of turkeys and dilophosaurs never spit venom.

So it ends better then a Monopoly game.

My brother, being a husky child as the McNeals were wont to be, received a Big Dog t-shirt for Christmas one year. Our clueless family thought the shirts were hilarious and continued to buy them for him for several years after. I don't believe he ever wore one of them…