The Bill McNeal

*drops a pencil down Homer's butt crack*
"Thanks a lot, Carl! Now I've lost my train of thought!"

Unfortunately, the AV Club isn't a bastion of journalism like InfoWars or Breitbart are.

I'm assuming that Everett Ross is wearing a robe because he lost his pants yet again!

Don't throw all the blame on the series finale of Dexter. It was practically limping across the finishing line at the end of it. That entire last season was terrible.

Yea, it was. You know it's a weird movie when "Dan Aykroyd's character has a dick for a nose" isn't even the weirdest thing in it.

Too many fork-related injuries.

Seems like they really dodged a bullet when all those comedic actors joined the film and Harold Ramis let them shove all that awful teen romance stuff to the side.

"Ahhhh shit, Aykroyd's talking about 'Nothing But Trouble' again."

There's probably good odds that any number of Murray brothers will be in attendance and drunk on any given night.

There's atleast one at Disney Springs that they're remodeling right now.

Does Wahlburgers count?

But I think the big question is if Bill Murray will randomly show up at people's tables, do something wacky and tell them "Nobody will believe you that this happened!"?

No, but I heard Dan Aykroyd's free that weekend.


"How long have we been talking about this?"
"Four hours, six minutes."
"Well, there's some pros and some cons, guys. Pro: We've cut our conflict resolution time in half. Four hours. That's good for us, that's huge."

Clearly, Mick Foley should be his VP.

Yea, I've since seen that rumor debunked.

Plus, this article could have even more snarky if Sean O'Neal hadn't been out to lunch when it came across the newswire.

I enjoyed the first two volumes of Superman & Batman: Generations. Power Girl turned me on to it last year.

Wrong brand, but I was surprised to see that Kevin Owens lost the US title to AJ Styles at a house show on Friday night.