The Bill McNeal

How soon until recording devices of any sort are banned on flights?

Can we get a movie about the epic fight where Larry Holmes beat the shit out of Randall "Tex" Cobb in a brutally one-sided fifteen round match? It was so brutal, that Howard Cosell retired from commentating boxing matches right after that, which Cobb would later refer to as his gift to boxing. Cobb also later said

They're not gay, they're just a couple of cool straight dudes married to each other!

I like that most of the outraged are tweeting it under #FireCorbert

Well, it’s not quite a fry and it’s not quite a fork, but man…

Really, the only time "cocksucker" should ever be used is when Ian McShane is talking about someone.

But you'll never catch them shilling for McDonald's Frork!

It was on the American VHS copy that I originally saw it on.

I'll give it some points for the opening with Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito as Dr. Evil and Mini Me.

I also love the scenes LaPaglia has with Alan Arkin, where he's disappointed that Arkin's captain is too nice to him, as opposed to the captain on Starsky and Hutch.

My name is John Johnson, but everyone here calls me Vicki.

His annoyed response of "I gotta take a shit." really made that exchange.

I assume it was originally going to be a Hot Pocket plug until Jim Gaffigan had to drop out as the deputy.

So does that confirm that Charlie Day is going to be in the fifth season of Fargo? Or Danny Devito? Or Charlie Day AND Danny Devito?

It was the Fly for eight year old Bill McNeal and he's still deeply traumatized to this day.

We used to use them for target practice when I first got an airsoft rifle.

The editors were too busy polishing those Spam articles.

I've read the first volumes of the Runaways. Does anyone recommend any of the other volumes?

But it worked so well for the Sinister Six!

I feel like if the two sides of the MCU were allowed to interact, Spider-Man would probably have been able to take care of most of this stuff.