The Bill McNeal

It definitely wasn't cheap, but we managed to make it around the world last October — while stopping at most of the Food & Wine booths for extra shots. It was probably the most fun I ever had in a theme park, even if I don't recall certain chunks…

I also loved the line before that, when Dee screams at Frank that she was the one that was poisoned and that Frank was merely medicated.

Going to the movies by myself is sheer pleasure! I also try to go to a weekday matinee so there isn't anyone else there.

I don't think I saw a single child the entire time I was at Epcot's World Showcase. Granted, I was pretty hammered at the time, so my memory's pretty fuzzy.

Did anyone bother to check Dennis for an onion at the end?

Peaked? Peaked, Dee? Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you'll know. Because I'm gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia's gonna feel it.

I'm really hoping it's the car of that guy they keep confusing for Bruce Mathis.

Don't forget the first episode, when Paddy's briefly became a successful gay bar.

The last time I played Cards Against Humanity with Fireball shots, we slipped in a rule that the roommate who doesn't know anything about pop culture had to take a shot every time he admitted to not knowing what a card was referencing. He ended the night by puking all his Fireball and pizza on the street outside.

It can mean two — no, wait… It can mean many things!

Turns out someone tapped the tainted water supply.

Will they be fighting evil South Africans in the second season?

I'd also like to nominate the original NES black box games. They're sort of simple, but I still love them.

Plus Infocom would toss in tons of extras that made the games almost impossible to finish in the pre-Internet era if you lost them.

When he got to the WWF, Vince McMahon made Gary Oldman call himself Sid Justice.

Yea, Thurman Munson could have used him as a co-pilot.

But when will they re-release 1941 back into theaters?

And since it's 20th Century Fox, they can just use the Alien franchise and do X-Men vs. Aliens.

And incest! Don't forget the incest!

Having all those menus uploaded to the Internet is certainly much easier than having them faxed to me.