The Bill McNeal

But what happens to Sean O'Neal in this grim future? Does StarWipe make a comeback? Tell me, future boy!

Does Amazon sell friends that will play said board games with you?

Atleast they still have the original trilogy, where the blond hair and blue eyed farm boy rose up to defeat Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy. A Nubian god!

But she's a woman, which is almost as bad as a minority to them.

Are they already moving on from taking down all those pizza places/child sex dungeons?

The McNeals are an Irish clan, so we mostly partake in funeral beers and shots. There may be food too, but my memory's a bit hazy.

Vermont, you couldn't possibli disappoint me more…

Reading this stuff makes me believe that CBS' BrainDead was on to something… That's the real conspiracy we need to be looking at.

This is what happens when we let amateurs run around investigating this shit. Can we please leave the conspiratorial investigations to professionals like Jesse "The Body" Ventura? Thank you.

Wait, so all those stories about "Diamond" Joe Biden are fake? Oh my God! My entire reality has been torn asunder! Thanks a lot, 2016bama!

No, but he did manage to snag an order of breadsticks.

I don't know how I missed this until now, but I do enjoy reading the tweets of these people that claim they're investigating this thing like they're Batman or something.

I spent the past few minutes just scrolling down through the comments and blocking people to ensure that I'll never have to accidentally stumble across one of these rubes again.

I loved the progression of the Airport movies for George Kennedy. In the original, he's just an airport mechanic. By the time The Concorde: Airport '79 hit, they decided to just say "Fuck it!" and make him the head pilot.

Robert Carradine's rape scene is a bit unsettling in hindsight.

I've been on a kick with reading books about Disney World off Kindle Unlimited. Mostly the historical stuff, but I did read Annie Salisbury's Murder in the Magic Kingdom, which is a short, but entertaining murder mystery about a Disney cast member being framed for the murder of an apprentice Imagineer and having to

Sure, I'll join in on that. Mostly because I want to make sure that Bull Buchanan is still alive.

Your confusing thesis has captured my attention. Tell me more.

Meanwhile, the Stonecutters are desperately trying to make Steve Guttenberg relevant again.

And Holly Robinson Peete.