The Bill McNeal

It's going to take one hell of a Hail Mary pass right now for it to swing the other way, I think.

I imagine he's deep into a bottle of whiskey or three right now. It's not a bad idea.

It's hard to believe that Tiny Captain Ron is making broad, outdated and extremely racist generalizations of other people. Tell us about the Mexicans and Jews next!

Bryan Cranston could be my neighbor? Quit making Canada sound so enticing!

Right now, we are advising all our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns.

Flyover country?

A Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert 2020 ticket?

I did enjoy Jeff Goldblum's Jurassic Park speech, and his later interview where he tried to make the best of the situation.

There is no explanation. We just suck as a collective nation.

If the democrats had just ran Jeff Goldblum, we wouldn't be having this problem.

I know…

Clinton took California supposedly, so there's some upside. Right?

I'm still terrified beyond belief, but a montage of Stephen Colbert saying fuck is somewhat calming.

"So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because the voters are dumb."

At least the Stephen Colbert election special is on soon. Jon Stewart is going to be mighty parched tonight.

And Sheriff Lobo.

Well, I better get started on digging that bunker…

Ugh… This country really sucks.

Don't blame me, I voted for Norman Osborn.

No. I'm sitting here in complete dismay, as well.