The Bill McNeal

Donald Lutz is still in the Reds' farm system, last I knew. I saw him play in Pensacola this past May.

Ironically enough, it was on HBO the other morning. Unfortunately, I don't have Mitch Glazer's number…

There's still two months left in this year, I'd really hate to jinx it now.

I think Bob Newhart is probably pretty happy too.

But how does Brian Doyle-Murray, Joel Murray and Eddie Murray feel about this?

I completely forgot that Timothy Olyphant was the fourth friend in Dreamcatcher. What I didn't forget was Morgan Freeman's eyebrows.

That was Halloween 6! But yes, it's one of the only reasons I've ever managed to sit through that one.

Back when the Rob Zombie one came out, they showed it at an AMC theater about two hours away. I still regret not going to see it then. I regret seeing Rob Zombie's Halloween even more though.

All I wanted to do was watch Halloween on AMC on Halloween Eve. Then next thing I know, it's six in the morning and I'm watching Halloween 5…

One of my greatest regrets is playing Cards Against Humanity, where we had to take shots of Fireball for winning the hand. It didn't even take til the next morning to regret it…

Venturestein from the Venture Bros.!

This is from two weeks back, but I felt I should proudly say that on my first trip to Epcot, I managed to drink my way around the world. Add that on top of the Food & Wine Festival and I only have vague recollections of Epcot.

I'm a slow reader right now, so I'm finishing Robert Coover's Universal Baseball Association.

I hardly need an excuse to get excessively intoxicated in the middle of the week. It's going to happen irregardless.

Bringing a dead character back for the sequel is just lazy storytelling though.

Maybe uncle trever was stationed on the USS Eldridge.

Ahh yes… the great state of Philadelphia.

They have a coffee can that they pee in, because they have a shared bathroom with the building. It was mentioned in an episode when Dee had to stay with them for the night.

Oops… I look like a real asshole on that one.

I'll always tune in to Return of the Living Dead if it's airing on AMC or IFC late at night. Don Calfa is great in it.