The Bill McNeal

I feel like the movie could have easily shed 30 minutes or so off its runtime if it had cut out that terrible Judd Hirsch and the orphan children subplot. Like if they'd just shoehorned him into accompanying Goldblum's character to the moon from the start.

What's wrong with Judd Hirsch's over-the-top Jewish caricature?

I've been reading stories on the Internet about people who went to see the movie assuming it was a light comedy about a wiener dog and being absolutely horrified at the gruesome ending.

They pretty much ignored it in Rocky Balboa anyways.

I always felt it was season five, after Frank Burns got sent home.

I think I saw some of them when they originally aired, but whenever I rewatch Newsradio, I always stop before the last season. As if you couldn't tell..

It's no Toonces the Driving Cat.

Internet, you should work on splicing together something that makes Joe Buck tolerable. Take your time, you've got a long weekend.

It's also making less then the original film made right now, so there's good odds that all their world-building will be for nothing.

The last time I went to the Gulf Coast, the sushi place we ate at had $4 pitchers of Yuengling and it was marvelous.

Also, most of the film's backstory seemed to only make sense if you'd read the prequel novel they put out.

You couldn't be more wrong, Lisa. If I didn't have this gun, the King of England could just walk in here any time he wants, and start shoving you around. Do you want that? Huh? Do you?

I recall a series of commercials Old Navy did that referenced it as well, with several of the kids appearing.

"Do you know what the penalty for animal cruelty is in this state?"
"No sir, I don't."
"Well… it's probably pretty stiff."

There's a somewhat interesting story about Coca Cola purposely developed the shitty Tab Clear for the sole purpose of tanking Pepsi's new heavily marketed soda.

As far as sequels go, you could do a lot worse then Pirahna 2: The Spawning.

Nothing bonds people together better then their mutual disgust of a lesser group of people, like mudbloods or the Irish.

I'd love to see Cameron tackle something like The Abyss again.

I blame Moleman.

It's disappointing to see that the Vincent Clortho Public School for Wizards gets no respect. It's one of the top two wizarding schools with Hogwarts.