The Bill McNeal

What? You didn't think the vomiting ghost scene was hilarious?

I also enjoy most of the videos he does with Mike on Mondays, where they just shoot the shit and try to beat old games.

Who'd have guessed that Gozer's mother was also named Martha?

I knew this was going to be a Donald Trump story, but for a brief moment, I was hoping it was Stephen King warning us about the dangers of Hulk Hogan.

Perhaps Werewolf Women of the SS is his best film, because it never ran long enough to truly let us down…

I just remember in the lead-up to the film, Rob Zombie shit all over Friday the 13th and other horror franchises for just being about the "body count". Then he proceeded to kill almost everyone that got screentime in Halloween.

Maybe Michael Caine needs to make a down payment on his new home.

Hopefully they can get Paul Rudd back.

You're the gourmet around here, Eddie.

It's sort of like in the Terminator movies where each movie has them preventing Judgement Day. John Titor just delayed the Civil War.

I'm still waiting for my Kitten Mittons, because my cats just make too much noise stomping around and it's driving me crazy!

It'd be great if it happens. Maybe we'll get a Spider-Man appearance for the Defenders in return.

How much filming is she really doing in the makeup at this point though? I only remember a few sequences in the last film. And the trailers for this new film make it seem she's in it even less. The same goes for Beast too.

Kitty Pryde wasn't wrong when she called Professor X a jerk.

We're really only a short leap away from the Running Man being a reality. And that makes me excited. What a time to be living in.

You know, Brad Garrett does have a passing resemblance to Krang's android body.

I was thinking more of a Tokka or Rahzar. But what do I know.

And he was War Machine on the old Iron Man cartoon from the 90s.

And Starscream voiced Rowdy Roddy Piper.

We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little.