
& if you leave this in the greys it might take them longer to find us.

I’m not sure we do, either. But then we’ve been drowning our sorrows all week at the wake, so that might be part of it.

It’s this kind of thing that makes us miss you, so.

As IAMRU2 so astutely points out, you nailed it.

Dude. You don’t know me but we have friends in common.

Nice one, mate” (did I do that right?)

So, if you’ll excuse an off-topic aside - so far we haven’t heard much from your nemesis but we’ve only been drowning our sorrows for a week or so & that may change.

As I said to Persnickety, this guy could probably tell you a thing or two about this latest chucklehead:

You guys should talk to this guy: