King Push

this was the best comment i've seen all day

The Roar of the DC Studios Could Be Farts

I feel you. I've yet to meet a single other real-life person who likes anything Tim and Eric are involved with. I'm not gonna marry someone if they're not into T&E like I am…

Nonsense, everyone knows that Benjen is actually Daario Naharis, who is actually Euron Greyjoy.

With the exception of the Wight army in the season 2 finale, D&D seem to have made the conscious choice to make the last images in the finale episodes uplifting ones. Understandable, considering the show's general reputation as a brutal affair where everyone dies and the "good guys" never win anything.

GRRM has already told D&D the ending as a contingency plan. This is not news, this is like six months old.

There's a theory on the ASOIAF subreddit describing exactly that. A timetable in which LSH met Howland Reed (who is widely believed to know Jon's true origins) in Greywater Watch:…

Get ready for non-stop, heart pounding ACTION ACTION ACTION! IT'S CLEGANEBOWL 2015!

Well good, considering he's the one who botched the Jaime/Cersei scene in the sept so badly. From the interviews he gave about it, he seemed to have no idea what rape is.

Just because the books go on for a while doesn't mean the story won't have an ending. Jesus.

I don't understand everyone's obsession with Coldhands. I see no issue with that character being cut, all he did was open the gate for Bran ages ago in-story.

It was also impossible to do for logistical reasons. Alfie Allen isn't gonna sit on his hands for two seasons until the show catches up to the point in the books where Reek is properly introduced.

real talk, closest i ever came to crying at this show was when Theon said "my real father lost his head in King's Landing"

am i the only one who found the theon/ramsay scenes honestly interesting and compelling? both actors are absolutely knocking it out of the park in their respective roles.

Xaro was a whiny wimp in the books, I liked what they did with him in the show. I mean…a bejeweled, hooked NOSE? Really? Almost as bad as how book Daario would've looked (gold teeth, blue forked beard, ugh).

Septon Maribald

He's described that way in the books as well, at least with regards to the painkillers. He chugs milk of the poppy (an opiate) like "regular man drink ale" or something to that effect.

I loved all of season 1 front-to-back, so I'm not the person to consult on this matter.

get rekt m9

Tru Detective, starring Tauheed "2 Chainz" Epps.