I thought they looked aftermarket too, but nope. They could’ve kept it in house and just put the Dakota R/T wheels on it.
I thought they looked aftermarket too, but nope. They could’ve kept it in house and just put the Dakota R/T wheels on it.
Fans of robo-belts, rejoice!!! :-)
And Chrysler owned Lamborghini around this time so kind of a full circle with this designed by a former Lamborghini designer.
I’m assuming homeless people are stealing it for the alcohol content. But it seems like an easier solution than cameras is to replace it with alcohol-free hand sanitizer. It’s probably more expensive I’m guessing.
Striking? It’s literally the same generic pod-mobile that’s in every futuristic show, movie, and game.
I could see sanitizer theft becoming a problem because bums drink it.
Sure, but if it runs the full 24 hrs AND tops the entire GTE field, that would be an INSANE achievement for this team.
1. Ford should be using this platform for a van.
I agree. Not only are 40-year-old C/Ks in fair condition still fetching absurd prices, but this was also the vehicle that defined my entire childhood. My grandpa bought a new ‘84 Silverado in red/white a month before I was born. I came home from the hospital in it, and rode in the front seat (sometimes in the bed) up…
The 300 and Charger are leaving just like the Challenger.
Air India, Indians. Meh, who cares?
At least no watermelon and fried chicken
1. If no one wanted them new, that means there’s not many around. Lower supply pushes prices up, not down.
Because for a vast majority of the population, THEY ARE GOOD ENOUGH. Toyota is banking on people realizing this and since they already know how to make hybrids really well, they are just biding their time rather than spending ungodly amounts of money on the latest hot thing to grab simple minded shareholder’s and…
The ban only applies to commercial vehicles. Author could have done a better job, instead of blanket labelling all diesel-powered vehicles, could have been more specific that this applies to commercial fleets only.
Too bad it’s ugly as sin.
Obviously, everyone knows wokesters are full of shit.
Obviously, everyone knows wokesters are full of shit.
Sorry, but convenience trumps wokeness.
Sorry, but convenience trumps wokeness.