
Good luck and godspeed on your trip. And on your intestines after Whataburger

Yeah, my addiction started with a ‘91 that had 110K miles on it. I paid what I thought was too much in 2000, but proceeded to put 140,000 more on it while putting virtually no money into it. My son’s in the Marines and I gave it to him before he shipped out.

That is very inappropriate to make such a joke at such a time.

All I can see is XJS... but one in the image has lights on and moving... so it can’t be

If it’s modern “country”, I’d rather walk. And FWIW, I grew up three miles outside an unincorporated town, in a county where the deer outnumber the human inhabitants and the largest burg is ~1400 souls, so...pretty rural. Every country record from No Fences onward is garbage until proven otherwise.

That’s what Toyota said.

Look, nobody panic. As mentioned above this represents an “unlikely sequence of events,”.

The fuck is this shit?

As a Landcruiser guy, and past owner of multiple 80 series, I vote CP.

So make cars meet the same standards as aircraft? Sure, just multiply the price of a new vehicle with the latest amenities and technology by at least 15, multiply maintenance costs by at least 15 for the life of the car, and if any safety issues pop up it goes off the road until fixed. No loaner given.

Automakers need to take more responsibility for their defective parts, imo. The fact that the owner of this vehicle was even considered to be at fault for a design issue from Ford is unacceptable.

As a German-car enthusiast, the thought of all those incinerated BMWs and Mercedes makes me sad.

Here’s an idea. With all those new-fangled computers and whatnot how tough would it be to:

“Previous attempts at having the road’s 40 mph speed limit lowered have failed.

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

My former colleague has this car at his shop right now. The insurance company is still deciding if it’s going to be a write off. There are a dozen other high end cars at their repair facility as well. All of them wrecked by Fuerdai kids in the Toronto area in the past 6 months or so. This video is the tip of the

The sticker tells you all you need to know.

You could drill all the way to the center of the Earth, it won’t make Kansas anything other than a shitty cookiecutter.

“Relax, lenders aren’t stupid...”

David, you forgot the HB Durango, an SUV styled after a sad-looking hippopotamus