
don’t worry, mexico will pay for it.

Good! Now enough of these articles or you might end up getting Ford Taurused by us non-wealthy Datsun enthusiasts.

I do approve the use of “air-cooled 911" as a verb.

Stop! Stop it! Shut up! Don’t you dare air-cooled 911 my 240z dreams.

Just because you CAN do it in your Cruiser, doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it in your Cruiser.

It’s not a boat.

Needs more obtuse

It’s a BMW. Every BMW owner, ever, thinks theirs is worth more than it is.

So fucking sick of this “whataboutism” nonsense. The only thing that allows this shit to be sent to Alabama is a complete and utter lack of regulation.

So? The issue isn’t NYC “exporting” its poo.

The federal government made NYC’s previous method of disposal—treating it and then dumping it in the ocean—illegal, so they had to find a place to dispose of it on land. Because of the past patronage and corruption problems you allude to, government procurement in New York is one of the most heavily regulated areas of

Maybe, just maybe, they should stop voting for the anti-regulation, anti-environment, anti-poor people party?

It’s not like New York forced it on them. In point of fact, New York is doing exactly what Alabama’s voters hoped for when they voted for state and local politicians who would not regulate private commerce: hiring an Alabama business to do its dirty work. Arguably, that Alabama business was able be the low bidder and

Roy Moore was about 20K votes from the Senate here, the county went for Moore, for Trump, for a Republican governor that pled guilty to a felony, etc... They are a ways from reading up on California housing policies.

What sucks is that they vote for the people most likely to hurt them and they have a pretty funny view of us Californians.

A story in two comments

My family is from a nearby town in Walker County called Cordova. Having been to Parrish, I can tell you that it is a poor, rural community. Just to give you an idea of how poor so much of Walker County is, Cordova was nearly wiped off the map by tornados and nobody gave a shit and that is what is happening in Parrish

I learned to drive on an Isuzu P’up. It was brown. We called it the poop.

“E36 M3/4/5" is a common short-hand used by BMW geeks to refer to E36 M3 4 door models with a 5 speed manual transmission.

There’s always a faster car. In my years of motoring, which arent that many, I’ve found that chasing speed and “fast” really is just an endless jaunt. It’s better to just drive whatever puts the biggest smile on your face.