
If he hollers, let him go, Lewis.

All it needs now is a god-emperor.

No one is trying to restrict Jeep ownership...yet.

So what are companies supposed to do, just not expand?


Goddamnit you’re right. Faith based thinking is a fucking cancer on humanity.

I guess Jesus didn’t take the wheel...

LS swap the house.

Getting the most out of a RWD, 340hp car with a manual arguably takes more skill than an AWD, 550hp car with an automatic.

Let’s retire the term “hipster”. It’s applied too often, as a dismissal of too many things.

When things are uncertain economically, politically, defensively, etc., the general populace defaults to conservative ideology (the idea being things worked in the past, let’s just do that again). It makes more sense on the surface to fall back onto past successes than it does to take risks. Unfortunately, those past

Kids....... Are they really worth it.

Speeding really shouldn’t be a felony. Don’t we have enough people in privatized prisons already? Slap the felony charge on when people are hurt.

I was fifteen and rode my bike with a friend to the theater. He wanted to see Shrek and I wanted to see this. We bought our tickets and parted ways. Fifteen years later he's an anesthesiologist and I'm a middle class automotive industry guy who had to Google the spelling of anesthesiologist.

Not with that attitude.

Well, yeah.

And to think people scoffed at me when I said the Supra was basically a Japanese Mustang.

My first thought for this question was “Anything political”

Haha haha oh man you're so edgy

The one the dealer puts on when you buy your new car/truck.