
Ah, got it. Found your hat by the way:

Sounds like you have progressive political beliefs and a plutocracy confused.

One more reason for me to remain childfree.

Star for the FJ40 for a form follows function aesthetic.

Nothing says “patriotism” like wishing harm on your fellow countrymen.

I was lucky enough to spot his VR4 at Radwood and can attest to it’s amazing condition and the love that clearly went into it’s refurbishing.

EDIT: By “not so great” I really meant well loved examples. I didn’t see a single car there that I didn’t appreciate in some way or form.

That was honestly one of the best car events I’ve been to in a long time. It was full of great (and not so great) examples of awesome cars without any of the pretentiousness that so often found in other shows. Definitely will be back!

I’ve got one of those too.

I’m looking forward to joining the party:

Yep, they have a burn rate that is cause for concern, but even if they were to fold completely, their impact on the automotive space will remain.

A few of the comments reminded me of other noteworthy individuals predictions of the future.

Funny, I was just talking to my friend about how the 90's were some of the best years for cars the world will ever see, and now THIS!

...and f*@k Tesla for not conforming to this clearly beloved business model

I get the arguments for and against what this guy is doing here, and have to agree that this is more of a hording problem than a true collection. As a possible solution though, he could sell off the majority of the “collection” and purchase a few shipping containers for the remaining keepers with the proceeds. Looks

I agree with you there, you do make a payment to yourself in this instance. I’m also was not trying to imply that all borrowing is bad or even less favorable than purchasing something outright in certain instances, even though it did sound a bit like it in my initial comment.

Sure, but that’s more of an opportunity cost than payment and the same could be said about buying anything in that instance that’s not a complete necessity. I was referring to the actual bank owed payments each month and holding the titles to my cars. I realize that owning anything that has a registration fee,

I must admit that I got caught up in this when I bought a car not too long ago. Horrible feeling of being trapped literally throwing money away on an asset that depreciates faster then I could pay it off. Finally just paid off the loan, sold the car and bought something for cash the next day. Now all of my cars are

I’m up in San Luis Obispo. We’re right near Pismo, and there’s actually a big Land Cruiser meet there in November, called the “Turf N’ Surf” if you’re looking for an even better excuse. I’d be more than happy for you to come check it out in person!