So they must figure the rapture will be happening soon. And when it doesn’t, if a bunch of them get sick, what would be the explanation for that? God let them get sick AND god didn’t send a light to beam them up to avoid sickness and death so.....?
So they must figure the rapture will be happening soon. And when it doesn’t, if a bunch of them get sick, what would be the explanation for that? God let them get sick AND god didn’t send a light to beam them up to avoid sickness and death so.....?
Seriously, why won’t the White House get tested?
You read my mind. I have accepted Biden despite my broken heart. I truly hope he picks Kamala or Liz for Vice and retires half way through. A girl can dream....
There’s no toilet paper, so make sure you get enough paper towels to last you till mid-April (that’s when Charmin at least supposedly will have more toilet paper, according to Amazon). With all the toilet paper gone, I can’t imagine the paper towel shelves will stay stocked for more than a few more days.
It’s probably more likely that they’re burning through so many test kits at the White House that they don’t want anyone to know that they’re basically wasting them.
Might not need an election to get him out of office.
I think they have been tested and are positive. Thats why he’s going to now suddenly declare an emergency so they can go into isolation under the guise of “national emergency”. Otherwise , how would it look if he suddenly went offline for a few weeks with no explanation. On the weds night speech, he looked worse than…
The CDC is not recommending he be tested at this point...
They have it. they are just keeping it tight lipped or using body doubles. there is no way on God’s green Earth that they don’t have it.
They might not be getting tested. More likely, these degenerates would lie about getting tested.
These people CANNOT wait for their end-times wet dreams to come true... They must be creaming in their collective pants at this moment.
Funny how “god” always seems to choose bloviating loud-mouthed bigots, idiots, racists and homophobes to stand in as his “chosen one”... without fail. It’s almost as if god (if he/she/they/them exists), was a hate filled asshole... gotta wonder at the people who worship that mind-set.
These people are Germany in 1943. The war is starting to turn against them and they haven’t realized that they’re on the losing side yet. There may be victories here and there, and the effects of those will be felt for decades to come, but the war has turned against them conclusively. In an ass-backwards way, Trump…
Why should his inaction on a pandemic bother them? After all, DEAD PEOPLE CAN’T GET ABORTIONS.
Like I quoted yesterday in a different story: "Mike sat there like a slug, it was his only defense. "
“...our incredible healthcare system in this country.”
“Was it a mistake to not just take that WHO test,” she asked, “while we waited to develop our own test so that the testing could ramp up earlier?”
I’m still waiting for the moment that the virus goes away “like a miracle.” Can’t understand why we have to do all these other things if some supernatural power is just going to swoop in and hoover all the illness away.
“Mother would never have questioned me like that in front of everyone."
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