
Lakers likely will win more games with Westbrook out.

I’m sorry for your loss, but we just can’t risk Floridaosis spreading.

Can we just nuke Florida and have done with the whole place?

Michael Harriot reminded us of the origin of "woke" in a Leadbelly song. It told you to stay woke because there are white men trying to kill you. And there were. And there still are. That it what these fuckers are mocking and laughing  about. And that's what they want to fire me for telling my students. This is what

I don’t even live in Florida, but I despise this man.

Yep. As long as “those people” get hurt, the people in Florida will vote against their interests all the time*

That’s all he has to do to get re-elected: protect the people of Florida from the specter of being called racists and bigots by doing bigoted and racist shit himself. It’ll pull the wool over their eyes long enough to prevent them from seeing that he’s not actually doing anything to help them.  

Did you even play GTA 5?

You have a wild misinterpretation of the campaign events. Franklin looked up to Michael. He had every opportunity to not participate in the events of the story. He shows up to Michael’s house after Michael throws an offhand “hit me up if you wanna learn how the world really works” remark that clearly wasn’t meant in

Is there a reason that Kotaku’s decided to, now repeatedly, describe a well documented abuser in nothing but glowing terms?

So lemme get this straight... You are citing an article on a website that seems to mostly cover popular culture and reality TV to claim that the original autopsy that concluded no evidence of asphyxiation is actually correct...? It wasn’t Parcells doing the autopsy here. And for all we know, Baden did it himself in

Not directly related to this but at least 9 military personnel carriers just drove through DC and pulled into the White House complex. Trump wants a massacre and is begging for an excuse. 

Which should have immediately triggered life-saving CPR and attempts to resuscitate him.

Did coronary artery disease kill him? No

Kneeling on unarmed man’s neck in police uniform= totally justified
Driving into a crowd of protesters in cop car = totally justified
Shooting journalists in a police uniform= justified

It was a clear cover-up when they started talking about “potential intoxicants.”

I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you. The autopsy from the police would inherently play down and obfuscate what actually happened.

Whatever cranky pants. I’m reading 1000+ pages a day, I get to hang out with my husband (he’s super fun) and I have time to replay all the games I haven’t touched in forever. AND I haven’t had to deal with a shitbird (some of my coworkers are the fucking worst) in aaaaaaaaggggggeeeeeees. It’s awesome. Get some empathy

Nah, it’s just not your idea of entertaining.  I have more hobbies than I know what to do with and would be willing to put my “boring” life up against anybody’s as far as who’s was more interesting.  It’s super rare to have this much time at home.  It’s nice. 

Toyotas are great. And cars are not an investment in themselves. They are an investment in getting you where you want to go reliably, and in this Toyota performs remarkably.