

Meanwhile my city here told me they fixed the potholes at x and y intersection. I work at that exact doesnt appear that anything was done at all.

I agree with you chris!!

I really really want one of these. Because I’m an idiot.

I loaned my buddy my car to learn how to drive stick. He crashed it into a snow bank lol.

They discussed the robbery when Holle was drunk this is true. Then Holle slept, then they borrowed his car.

True, he did pass up his plea deal. In my opinion it really depends on how much knowledge he had of the crime before hand. If I sell you a breaker bar on craigslist and then you beat the crap outta somebody with it, should I be held liable for that? Don't think so. I'm not saying Ryan is completely innocent, but

I have read up the case and know that he did discuss it. However he was also drunk at the time so there's a good chance he either didn't believe what he was being told or saying, or was just using bravado.

I think I speak for many when I state “who the hell cares”.

Ryan Holle's case was a great injustice. I think that's fair to say.

Cavalier although not much to look at or drive pulls well for what it is and is a road cockroach. I wish it would die but it keeps going along happy as a clam.

One of the drivers (rookie) fetched a coffee from the back of his rig while driving down the road. Some people opined that this was unsafe and while it probably was not too smart, the truck is only going on about 20-30 km/h on a road with no driveways, no lights, not much traffic so it wasn't the most unsafe thing

Uh oh. Sorry....I was being a pedantic ass. And an incorrect one at that since the Mckay on my lake is spelt differently I see. Anyways this is my car on the Ottawa River.

You can't drive on Mackay lake. I live right beside it almost.

I live in Ontario and us and manitoba have quite a few ice roads as well, so it has been a good ice road trucking season for us actually. The average temperature here in Feb was only 1F. Plenty cold.

I wouldn't know anything about ice roads.

On the ice road around here, we are expected to wear to our seatbelts.

I live right near Mackay Lake. But you can't drive on it. Here is me driving a nearby ice road though!

Here is my car on an ice road. This one is only about a mile long.....but it's still awesome!!!

Yes it was quite sad. My dad went to school with one of the manages of the diavik diamond mine up there.