
#18 at the bottom! H/t to thebigbossyboss in Oppo!!!

#18 at the bottom :H/T to thebigbossyboss in Oppo.

Who is tom arnold?

Yes indeed.

Too sad. Pour one out.

On the oppositelock forum, one guy on there who is local to me had his golf burn down to the ground, after it was turned off.

right you are. That was a great flinch!

Really? Oh fuck. I get that if you live on those street's its annoying but you would think that year after year people would know better. It was too bad I couldn't go to BRS this year.

Plus at Black River stages right when we were about to start you guys there was that dodge ram.

Oh I see. I know about those types of things, just don't know anything about college ball.

I live in Canada so the reference is lost sadly.

Yeah, the amount kids are sheltered these days is crazy.

my school was like 10 miles away. It was pretty far to walk haha.

Oh! So it's close to NYC. That is actually quite far for me since I am hour north of the St. Lawrence river.


stupid canadian question time!

How upstate is that area? If it's very upstate then I would also like maps.

Thats great man. Unfortunately I am a first generation jalop. I am nthe only one in the family who cares at all about cars.

While the '88 Testarossa still haunts my memory and nothing beats the sound of a stick clinking into a gated shifter, the new Ferraris don't come in manual. And they don't do it for me the way the classics did.