
My political oppinion is best all others are wrong (in reference to oppo repost).

You. Oppo. do it.

Yesterday a BMW almost took out my right side trying to cut in at the last second and to avoid them I had to swerve around them.

Rockstars ai was so far ahead of everything else for so long. San andreas is my favourite although I've enjoyed every GTA except GTA 3...never played that one.

GTA traffic james are not new. GTA IV also had james as did GTA 2 for pc!!

Yeah. That was the most impressive part for sure. It was mind blowing.

I really want to come to targa newfoundland 2015. What part of the island is it held?

Uh. From small town. Can confirm it's existence. It's good though. Sort of.

And the veyron. Isn't it like from 2006?

You saw my buddies dart right?

congratulations on all your accomplishments.

I would move to Texas. No more -26 C temps and southernn BBQ? Hell yeah.

Really? That's pretty neat. beige but neat.

Obviously not every car driving down the street is from the local area. We all drive on streets we didn't pay for sometimes.

Right. I am an uncivilized Hoonigan!

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.

They also have specific truck GPS's. One is offered by Rand McNally.

Not where I am from. The worst speeders are undoubtedly the locals.

Actually I wouldn't. I lived on a 4 lane thoroughfare for years, now that I am on some residential street it's boring. They were going to build a bridge across the river at the end of my street. I was all for it, because I want to go to Quebec, but everyone else opposed it. Now I have to drive 8 miles out of the

agreed. We all paid for the street, not just homeowners on that street.