
Oh no, not people using the street!! whatever will we do!!

Oh god no. No more speed bumps please!

I think it's a waste of time personally. I lived on a major 4 lane thoroughfare for years, so when people say there is too much traffic, I just roll my eyes.

Yeah. As in the guy said "accident free" then the buyer bought it, and found out his buddy at the body shop replaced the bumper on that car because some guy smucked it with a 1988 Golf. He then sues the seller for breach of warranty.

How might this affect the implied warranty then? I guess it would just be up to the court to deteremine is the mishap was an "accident" or not?

Sue that steve guy!! Also there is this other steve guy I know who can help you. I heard he's a lawyer or something.

In this regard is there any definition on what constitutes an accident in Michigan?? I am not in Michigan, but since you practice there you might know. My car has had all sorts of mishaps, some of which were definitely accidents (one involved another vehicle) and some of which have been pretty minor like scraping

Well done. Recommend truck stops just watch the parking situation, they tend to get very full. You being a 4 wheeler should not take up a whole spot. Park in the 4 wheeled section if there is one, if there's not that try bob tail or RV. If there's not that try to find somewhere off to the side of the stop out of

Was going to suggest also. Most major cities have truck stops just outside, in the rural-er areas its more hit or miss. Just park on the 4 wheeler side or RV spot and you'll be fine.

Yeah. I slept in the Cavalier for a weekend once. I was at a Rally and it just rained nonstop. Just as good as any tent in that weather. Car was considerably more waterproof.

Meh. Last year I went to rally. Seeing how the forcast was 20 hours of rain, and I was alone, the Cavalier was at least as waterproof as any tent.

Yeah. A coupe is usually the minimal requirement. In my Cavalier I spelt just as jason had described here. It was okay, but not the greatest fo sho.

yup. bring a foamy if you can to insulate yourself against the cold car floor.

You want to find somewhere away from cops that will arrest you for acting like such a bum, which means most public parking lots are out. I went for a small dirt road off a side street not too far from a highway exit, and aside from the curious Sasquatches, I think it worked out okay.

They should probably take stricter precautions in order to avoid being sued should something bad happen, agreed. Even posting a single guard who the driver would have likely just blown by, would enable the guard to radio to race control what was about to happen so they could immediately red flag the race.

And then of course there is this:

Well. There are certain things you can do, like locking your doors, which help prevent people from breaking into your house. If you leave your doors unlocked, you should have known better, but equally, it does not excuse the criminal act that took place.

there is something to be said for that, but I mean really he's completely at fault. It'd be as if the police caught the robbers breaking into your house. Sure you should have locked your doors, but they should also not be breaking into your house, it's still a crime.

You're quite welcome. You know where to find me if needed.