
I am like you. Built up a tolerance over the years. Just recently ate some "waiver" wings at a restaurant, I did get through and was able to eat all 5, but the first 10-20 minutes after were pretty intense. I definitely had irritated eyes. Then the next day....well you know what happened.

I have. I just recently completed a waiver wing contest. (Where you sign a waiver releasing the restaurant from liability because the wings are so hot).

Pro tip: Canada has guns.

I just drove though at 8am on a sunday no traffic then either.

Nope. I would have noped the fuck out of there. I would have taken off even before he said anything.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Toronto has good geography for a lap bounded by the dvp, gardiner and 401. (use 427 to go to 401 maybe?) I am from Vancouver...and have no idea how to lap it. It's mostly linear.

I am from Vancouver, and I have no idea how one would lap it.

If he got away before this came to light New York city is not far from Canada, he could easily make the drive in 6-7 hours.

One other thing when setting or looking for prices from your car. (Either buying or selling). Look at what other people have listed in comparable cars of the same make and model. It will give you a really good idea of what to list it for.

Exactly. I've had dealers tell me though "Here are some dealer plates, you bring it over there" before though. Sometimes you gotta do the leg work yourself.

Wow. What year is your vue??? I didn't even know they made cross over thinga ma bobs with manuals. Amazing.

Depends on the car right? Econobox is usually pretty safe but those Rajnge Rover parts aren't that cheap. Just ask doug!

That's what I heard. Someone from home was going to buy a new subaru (forget what) with cash...they basically offered him the finance price...he never came back.

But my car only costs $30 to fill. Dat cavalier life!

I think I got about 10% of mine from the dealership as well. If I recall I called then and offered $2300 on a car listed for $2900. I ended up all in including emissions test for just under $2900, which when you consider the taxes due is about 10% off.

Hahaha indeed. It can bite us enthusiasts too though. I know I didn't want a Cavalier when I started shopping.

Not all of us are economics majors :P

Many wants. 10/10 would drive. BECAUSE RACE CAR!

Not exactly sure what you mean. could you gimmie a pic of one?