
lol this is africa. They don't chase people down in traffic.

I...don't understand how differentials work. AT all.

What? Hang on. I thought that diesel engines used sparks for the initial start?

Follw up question? On my 1992 Ford Tempo when the turn signal burnt out, the signal wouldn't flash at all, it would just stay on. Why?

When my car lost a turn signal, my signal didn't blink at just stayed on.

Amazingly the Chevrolet Cavalier has avoided all recalls.

They don't let you drive if it snows? Canada laughs!

The thought of a 91 spirit going 200 is terrifying.

Ha. That's awesome.

An audi? C'mon mannnnnn

To quote a certain rally driver, who also has a Ford. "Ain't care".

C rod!

I think you are right, regarding the rpg on a helicopter.

Was it used against a helicopter? That is the only use of grenade launchers that I know of.

Can't come to Canada in those. 6.2M wheelbase for the cab, country wide max.

Amen!!! I hate the liscense plate frames! I removed mine within a week of having the car.

Always a good plan. I was thinking that about the Mustang.

I'd definitely say you're on the right track however new truck or no new truck...if Gm over takes the F150 it will be the first time in 20-30 years that has happened.

No doubt you are much wiser now. I was just adding that for anyone else reading this tale and thinking that might be a good way to get a car out a ditch.

Here's one stupid thing I did as a passenger: Not wear my seatbelt.