
Wow the wheels are massive. Ungrey me travis!

Those pacifica's are HUGE! I could see why it would substitute for a house.

I'm a wierdo. I want to swim with sturgeon. Because dinosaur.

....This makes me glad my car (A 2003 Cavalier) has no features to speak of. No power locks, no power windows, no rear defrost, no abs, no automatic gearbox no anything. Sure it sucks, but sure it durable.


I've had both type of things go. Such is the joys of owning a GM product. The make it go bit that broke was the fuel pump btw.

That's what I am saying. I'm worried I am going to have to get a touch screen with my next car.

I too am a driver and a cyclist. And I try not to be a dick to cars, which is what cyclists seem to enjoy doing.

Allz I gotz to say is this: Keep being awesome doug!

Agreed Tavarish, I have long thought the Veyron was a rip off.

While I agree I have absolutely zero idea on what it's like to drive a sprint car, I think your point is a little extreme. I worked for example in politics. 99% of the american population has no idea what it's like to work in politics. Using your logic I should stop them from having an opinion about politicians.

So is aligning headlights that has a broken mount.

Yeah, I had some mal adjusted headlights for a while too.

Do you drive a truck or suv? The higher cars tend to shine right their lights right into my eyes. Just be aware if I'm flashing it means "I can't see shit"...steer accordingly lol.

Hasten the day. Top Gear has got a lot to answer for but one of its leading offences has been to outlaw cars as a subject for discussion in the presence of women. You can get away with politics or business at a dinner party (subjects that used to be forbidden in what was known as polite company). You might even be

My fiancee likes to watch top gear too. We are wayyy behind on the seasons, but when we watched season 2 together in 2012, she watched it then called me to talk about how much better it was than season 1. How about that!

Me and my girlfriend (who never much thought about cars until she started dating me, I think) watch top gear together. She loves to watch it with me, and will also watch it by herself when I am not around.

To be honest, it is probably party geographic. It only ever gets up to about 90 here about 8 days a year.

My 1988 Corolla didn't have a radio.

Hard to believe that in 2014 Cruise Control isn't standard on all cars, but Deadspin's Timothy Burke found that out the hard way when he had the misfortune of renting a Dodge Dart without it. A must have for long highway journeys.