
I am the same. Except for big crusiers like a 77 town car.


and the huge ford grill. I still want a King Ranch but they have gotten rather gaudy.,

I didn't even know they had non-wide body panteras. My neighbour had two...both wide bodies so those being the only two I have ever seen, I just thought that was how they were made.

Drive car.

Well we only have two types of offences: Summary & Indictable.

Thankfully I don't have to go, but thanks for the info, and again, sorry this happened.

And then about an hour later that same guard came to me and said "George, pack your stuff. You're being released." I didn't ask questions.

On Saturday morning I went up to the lead officer in our pod and asked to make a phone call to let my wife know when I was getting out. He asked what I was in for. I told him speeding, and he couldn't believe it.

I didn't go out of my way to tell the other inmates I was jailed for speeding, but I told the truth when I was asked. And when I did, they were stunned. One guy, given to lengthy rants about how screwed up he thought the local justice system was, pointed to me and screamed "AND WHY THE FUCK IS HE IN HERE?"

Other Class One misdemeanors in Virginia include animal cruelty, sexual battery, and aiming a firearm at someone. This is how the state regards people who drive over 80 mph.


Too bad the (few) drivers there are left are pretty much the worst.

H3 looks dumber. Except the pickup. That is awesome.

You are of genius.

Honestly that is a ridiculous "starting price" for an auction. Yes, I get that it's a Veyron and it may sell around that price, but if you start you auction too high you won't get many bids, and the real money is made in the bidding war as it were.