
You sound like someone I would hate.

I live in eastern canada. You want temperature variance? As god is my witness we had a day with a high temp of -15 F and in the summer a day with the high temp of 90. 105 Degrees of variance! lol.

if it's 15-20M dollars that would be an actual investment.

I suspect africa would not be kind to you my friend.

For a while in Ghana I had a friend with a Jaaaaaaguar Sovereign. It was awesome to drive around, but also kind of a pain, because every single stop becomes an opportunity for people to beg for money, or for the cops to ask for a bribe, or this or that.

Aaron, I heard that the total investment in the building is going to $676K only. Is that true?

I suggest this post to you

I goddamn hate when the driver has some ridiculous conversation on his phone the whole time.

Fair enough.

The problem is cab supply and demand are inflexible with the current plate system (ie limiting the amount of taxis) at least in my city. The plates are about 180-200K. The cabs run 24/7/365 to make back that many. If you had part time cabbies and a more flexible supply then you'd have more cabs at high demand times

Yeah they were trading between $180-230 thousand depending last I heard a few years ago. I didn't see any in Ottawa for sale on the local listings, but there was one in toronto for sale. $275K firm.

This was 51 minutes into a 24 hour race. Compete to win! Did Mcnish win? Nope. Stupid move...was stupid.

This is actually Mcnish's fault. The Ferrari had already turned in to his corner, he tried to hit a gap that wasn't there.

Life does that. I moved from Vancouver to Ottawa "for a few years" going on year eight, will be at least year 10 before I leave. If I ever leave. Is home now.

I have no idea where you live, but the added costs here at least is the cab medallion. Here the medallion costs upwards of $200K. All for a little plate. If the government lowered THAT barrier (ie didn't impose an artificially low number), there would be a lot more cabs. I'd probably cab myself, because I wouldn't

Yeah. I do understand the fact that there is snow.

Now playing

Oh yes. I was going to bring up Nigel Farage's opinion on Belgium. Here is another great compilation of Nigel Farage's ranting about Belgium.

I always find it amazing they actually have skiing in california. I always think it's hot there.

AND you're a jerk.

I was thinking da same. Ghana beat them on goal differential.