
Oh good, maybe you can keep the heat off me next time I come visit. Apparently the washington highway patrol likes to pull me over when I drive the flame covered Mustang.

I dont understand this comment. If you really hated driving, wouldn't you just take the bus?

I expected better SC.

I expected better South Carolina.

Why? It's not any more dangerous than running red lights.

That`s a santa fe. I should know, my suburb is full of them.

Awesome compared to what? All I see is some....thi... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Non descript background, non descript car.

The best ticket I ever got, was one that wasn't even a ticket. I was driving along downtown and a taxi ahead of me was turning right, I didnt expect him to stop suddenly, but then he did. I was going to hit him 100%, so I changed lanes without signal and without warning.

Wow! Good for you! Last year I was pulled over 7 times in 3 different states/provinces, plus parking tickets.

I am signalling surrender.

You know what they say, the more train delrailments you have, the more train delrailments you have.

Oh ok. So...what does it contro that I need? Things like air conditioning and the radio?

Ok well I thought the article was about apple products being in cars. I don't want apple products in my car. Which part of the article am I interpreting wrong?

Yo dawg, I went to look at a 6 spd turbo Veloster, and they said they wanted 186 payments of somethin like 300 bucks each. Even with $5K down. $60,000 for a Veloster? Aw hell no! Guess I just wait 10 years then buy one. word.

No fucking thanks. I`ll stick to my GPS. What, I need some apple computron just to tell me to roll down my windows? I just use the lever, and as for the gear shifting, my user interface is this

Used tires even make sense when you`re not broke. My winters came with the rims half way used for C$300 for all 4, taxes in. I drove on them for 4 years and finished them. What`s not to like? They were dunlop graspix too, good tyre.

HAHAHAH...oh that's me. Sorry bro.

That sounds like an awesome culture. I want an old american boat so badly!

Well...this summer I am going to Lillooet, exotic, I know.