
those are africa wide.

Vocho! I went to Guanajauto...I didnt see too many bugs there, and it is not all that far away eh?

Hi Lux. When I went to Hawaii...the locals had hilux's.

Ha, as someone who is from vancouver I can appreciate this.

I used to do construction, but not road construction. I really hate highway construction zones, here in Ottawa there isnt enough warning to slow down properly usually. not want. Gimmie da firebird then.

Gimmie dat Celica!! Vroom. Also I have never heard so much discussion about pop up head

what? No 2.2 Ecotec??


Another reason I never plan on going to London.

It is! I have never had one car so completely dominate my friends fleet like that when I lived in other places.

It's whole purpose to have car accidents? I understand why they have it, but that is a pretty funny concept in general. Thanks for the info.

No. Michael Ignatieff. (former liberal leader) The "other" Iggy. You're confusion is understandable though, Iginla is also Iggy. The only difference is Michael Ignatieff wasn't good at what he does whereas Iginla is.

Did not know that.

wow....I didnt know cyprus was filled with rice. Fascinating.

real bad accident up there last month. 7 fatalities.

Nope. Canadians drive cavaliers everywhere except Vancouver.

nice. Is iggy still there?

Between me and my friends we have 5 cavaliers. My roommate had a sunfire until december, there is at least 4 other cavaliers (plus mine) in my complex, plus another 5 or 6 cobalts, and one saturn version of the cobalt.

I see these things, what is attached to the back of the truck?