
Audi did in my view (and the view of many professionals) for a time, including after the “sensationalist journalism” place the pedals too close together.

Why did VW do this? That’s another thing that isn’t clear at the moment.”

This was -awesome- I always groan when the silly religious people claim that the ‘big magical sky noodle’ was watching ‘the game’ and say stupid things like: ‘god made sure I made that winning catch!’ ‘god wanted us to win!’ God is a myth, like the easter bunny mother nature and santa claus, people. He doesn’t sit up

Can you actually, um, “back up” photos - without losing every photo you’ve taken in the last 6 years? Gosh, that would be a nice feature!

Well with any luck the names of the bainiacs involved in this will be determined and disclosed so the public is aware of who they are and can spread the word to others, and will show up in search results thereafter.

Chrisie forgot Bridgegate emails. Trump and the entire GOP/conservative party also oddly totally forgot about birth certificates.

Wow, what an epic bitch.

This is what happens when you behave like a 3rd grade child, Deno.

I twice did the volunteer/voucher thing (one United, one US Air) and will never again - you have to be VERY careful about that ‘voucher’ because the ones I got had extreme limitations (fly at certain times of day, multiple connections required, many dates ‘blacked out’, only so many [like 1 or 2] seats on any flight

...clean install? Wait, you neither scrubbed the HD before the install nor zeroed it out before starting.

Chris, you are so right, what looks great on my U2711 monitor lookes miniscule, dare I say microscopic on my laptop. I am constantly fighting font size/resolution/ scaling/ DPI on windows.

After ‘enduring’ the epic disasters that were Vista and W8, I’ll wait. No way no how I’m ever trusting MicroSquish again on an ‘out of gate’ OS install. I’ll ait at least 8 months until I am sure Microsoft actually has drivers avail, etc.

Silence your tyrant children. If you parents don’t do so - and I happen to be nearby enduring their wrath - I will give your uncontrolled offspring a verbal lashing the likes of which they will not soon forget and which will (as has been the effect almost uniformally in the past) shut them the -F- up.

One thing I REALLY wish Apple would spend just a tiny bit of resources on (for once) is making their iOS more ‘user efficient’ in that it often takes 2, 3, sometimes even more ‘steps’ or ‘actions’ to complete a single task or do something - when only one action or step would be needed.

hell yah I have the same recollection and feel your pain


Masturbation -> ALBOLENE <-

I strongly sense the notion that “it’s rude to use your phone in social situations” is (sadly!) fading from common understanding.