This is what happens when you behave like a 3rd grade child, Deno.
This is what happens when you behave like a 3rd grade child, Deno.
I twice did the volunteer/voucher thing (one United, one US Air) and will never again - you have to be VERY careful about that ‘voucher’ because the ones I got had extreme limitations (fly at certain times of day, multiple connections required, many dates ‘blacked out’, only so many [like 1 or 2] seats on any flight…
...clean install? Wait, you neither scrubbed the HD before the install nor zeroed it out before starting.
Silence your tyrant children. If you parents don’t do so - and I happen to be nearby enduring their wrath - I will give your uncontrolled offspring a verbal lashing the likes of which they will not soon forget and which will (as has been the effect almost uniformally in the past) shut them the -F- up.
Masturbation -> ALBOLENE <-
Tthe title of this story doesn’t seem to be written correctly.
...of course Clinton didn’t do 1/10th the bad shit that Bush Lite did.
Martenberg, stick it up your 33% commission douchebag ass, CU did not support and promote any attacks on anyone. You just want a new BMW and golf clubs for your trophy wife.
Some interesting troll stories.