
I wonder where the line would be drawn. Lower case? Proper case? 

*looks at photo*

The show is VERY bad (they tend to focus a lot on the drama around Kristen’s “work”) but the bits with Jay Cutler are fan-fucking-tastic. If you don’t want to watch 35 minutes of trash read the recaps on The Ringer. I mean this is his reaction whenever he’s asked to do ANYTHING!

The question of Phillip Rivers retiring to be a shitty dad/husband does spark a question which is, HAS ANYONE WATCHED JAY FUCKING CUTLER ON VERY CAVELARI?!

HOLY SHIT! I have never seen a couple that seem to openly resent each other as much as Jay and Kristen. At ALL times seems like she’s minutes away from poisoning

UCLA assistant coach Jordyn Wieber (another Olympic gold medalist) was one of those who read a victim statement at Nassar’s sentencing. Other (former) UCLA gymnasts like Olympian Jamie Dantzscher and U.S. national team competitors Jeanette Antolin and Mattie Larson also testified. I note this in order point out the

Waiter: Would you like some pepper, Mr. West?

It’s amazing considering the emotional toll that had to be on them that both Ross and Kocian still emerged as two of the very best in the world today (UCLA is really spoiled with their roster every year). For them, and all the women who were abused and still standing, it's an awe-inspiring level of fortitude.

It is supremely fucked up and a horrible indictment of the culture of USA Gymnastics that a monster like Larry Nassar was able to worm his way into his victims’ lives just by bringing them some food or by asking them "How are you?" Fuck.

Atlanta Braves: “home of the BRAVES.”

When I came home from my second deployment, I got a rehab assignment to work with the MD guard recruiters. My job was to take the hmmwv to the stadium on sudays, park it in lot O, and set up small games for kids to play. This was stupid for a number of reasons, the main one being very few people are dumb enough to

The clearest message that I get out of WYTS every year is that attending an NFL game in person is a fucking horrible decision and only idiots do it.

<fart noise>

I don’t want to spoil it for you. Just read “The Story of O” by Pauline Reage. It explains everything.

JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST WE SIGNED RGIII. We won’t sign Kaep because we’re afraid it’ll cause a media circus but we sign a fucking quarterback that hasn’t played in two seasons.

I once attended a week 3 preseason Ravens game as a fan of the opposing team. My my team scored a touchdown and I gave a mild applause. At this point, a 40 something man in front of me (wearing a Ravens jersey I should add) knocked the beer out of my hand and tried to fight me.

One of the problems is that people with absolutely no outdoor experience will read about a trail or something that’s rated “easy” and trot right on out. What they don’t realize is that “easy” to a hiker with lots of experience and trailcraft is something completely different from “easy to microwave soup.”

My 65 year old father is married to a 25 year old. Before this he always dated relatively age appropriate (e.g. he was 60 dating a 45 year old) but honestly I think he found women his age too opinionated and demanding. He doesn’t want a partnership, he wants someone who listens to him, defers to him, looks up

Men 100 years ago and men today STILL think that younger women have sincere sexual and romantic interests in older men. Yes, men really do believe that.

Of the three named stories of people who fell off the falls in the NYT article, one was 17, and the other two were 28 and 39, respectively.

You don’t ACTUALLY believe kids are eating Tide Pods, right? It’s just another media invention like those multi-colored bracelets that supposedly indicate what sex acts you’d do. Total bullshit, my dude.