
The Nicki knife attack is crazy, but it seems to have gotten buried under the whole “calling out Tyga’s hairline” thing, which just makes me feel like we’ve all gone batshit insane. How are people treating this like a funny twitter feud, when we have an accusation of physical violence? Just because it’s a pretty girl

Honestly I wondered the same thing. 

Did he really do well enough to afford a private jet?  I mean I know he was popular for a while, but did not realize how much so...

I generally....don’t. I mean, my work colleague is my age (mid-30s) with a husband in his 50's; they met in her mid-to-late twenties I believe. But this one skeeves me out. Because he met her when she was barely legal or maybe even before. Because she still looks like a child, specifically HIS child. Also when you’re

I’d have far less to say if one party involved wasn’t barely 18 when the relationship began. But yes, they seem happy.

“I really don’t think it’s relevant for anyone anymore. But especially if you’re 60 and and fucking rich and you have four kids and you’re living the life you’ve always wanted. Then why get married? It’s, like, I would love to fall in love and have a romance, a relationship, but I haven’t. I keep looking. I’ve had a

I hear what you’re saying but I guess Juvia’s Place has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts because they’re one of, if not the first, B.O.M.B’s. (Black Owned Makeup Business) ever. And it’s disingenuous when people use the whole “Women have to support women” excuse when they’re called out for something shady.

Azliea banks trapped in Musk house looking for Grimes needs to be a movie like night at the museum. Can just see her accidentally launching herself into space or stumbling into the basement and getting In a tunnel car to the center of the earth and finding Grimes riding a robot T-Rex.

I am 10000% here for this Azealia, Musk, Grimes drama. Messy as hell, all of them.

adding insult to injury (against Dykestra and any women in his life) is that Hardwick is just a bland, enthusiastic, and supremely boring person who somehow parleyed that into a job. he’s not worth the effort to defend. my heart goes out to Chloe who has to see her abuser’s name splashed over every single headline for

Sincere question, no shade: is there anybody actually looking forward to A Star is Born? Nothing about it screams “interesting” to me; it just reads as Oscar bait, and not particularly compelling Oscar bait at that

I’m from Vancouver Island, and grew up around the First Nations people who revere these intelligent, emotional, empathetic creatures. As a result of the same upbringing, most people I’ve known in the coastal towns have adopted their own reverence for them, despite not having indigenous heritage.

So it’s just

One thing (out of many) that frustrates me about the anti-trigger warning people is that they don’t understand that often trigger warnings don’t mean a person won’t read the book, it means they can prepare themselves for the trigger so they’re not taken by surprise.

Someone posted a thread in a Facebook book discussion group asking if books should have trigger warnings. I came away from it with the distinct feeling that cruelty is winning. People who are triggered by books are weak and should not read. Also, if you research, you will never be surprised by anything in a book.

Was the first error on the pitcher or on 1B? It was kind of a butt throw but it took a predictable hop and a professional infielder shouldn’t have trouble with that.

The best part of the original Pyramid final round was when Dick Clark would come over at the end and show off the clues he came up with for the answer that was stumping everyone.

Yeah, I’ve seen that clip before.  I also saw an episode where with the last few seconds ticking down the contestant (who was giving the clues) gave “your wife” as a clue to “things you beat.”  Dick Clark gave him a fucking death glare as time ran out.

I have in fact seen someone win the Pyramid, because it was one of the more memorable things I’ve ever seen on a game show. I think the celebrity was Robert Guillaume, and he was the “giver” in the bonus round. They blasted through the first five categories in like 40 seconds; they were doing great. Then the last item