
lets focus on how this article is a huge press release for MbS and his “new moderate and reformed” saudi arabia - its such a joke

Which one is in 3D.

Why does it seem like this happens a lot (two movies about remarkably similar themes OR even the exact same thing coming out at the same time)? Most recently I remember the two Christine movies: “Christine” and “Kate Plays Christine.”  

Just watched Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette so I crimged at the tweet. Dont blame Rudd but her point about him and other “artists” (the sex offender kind) need to be swept from our memory or we need to at least lead with their bullshit and then talk about Cubism if you must is VERY important for social progress

He took hamburgers into the sushi restaurant, which I have questions about because I never don’t want sushi, but anyways, they asked him not to eat his hamburgers there because, like most restaurants, they don’t allow you to bring other food inside. 

I read that at least 3 times wondering what that had to do with wanting to text somebody back. You’re on twitter. You can clearly text back! Or talk to text or something. Shut up, Lena. None of that was cute.

Be sure to tell her she has your thoughts and prayers!

To be fair Paul Rudd, Picasso was also a twat.

Rep Diane Black, one of Trump’s most fervent supporters from the beginning, lost her bid for Governor of Tennessee lastnight!!! I am FILLED WITH GLEE. She was a pretty prominent politician and had a definite future in House leadership, but she abandoned her seat in order to make this run. And she fucking failed. And I

Re: Lena Dunham

Bobby is my favorite John Early character.

That’s Isabelle Huppert. She's a French actress.

He looks like a literal 12 year old.

I read that Monopoly story yesterday (along with everyone else I guess?), I thought it was an old story (because it happened in 2001) but I guess it just came out?? It is an interesting case but only by scale and the lack of oversight at the marketing firm, but the Iowa state lottery fraud is a better story for a

Unrelated to this article but I discovered there’s a Lil Tay audiobook you can get on Audible.

What’s with Jez’s clickbait headlines today? This is the third headline that it utterly belied by the content of the story. The Times (for all it’s many, many, MANY faults) didn’t capitulate to the racist trolls, it literally stood by her .

Tom Savage was tremendous because he, more than anyone, represented the divide between NFL draft people and people who actually watched college football games

When I was in Catholic high school, we learned that the death penalty was a no-go all the time. Maybe I learned a different form of Catholicism. 

Holy shit that 2 minute video made me burst into tears at my desk and I can’t understand why. the fierceness of them. The beauty the rhythm. The unity and the teamwork, the sisterhood of them. I need to see them if they ever tour near me.