
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles are my FAVORITE

I’m a children’s bookseller. Every time I get a kid to read that series, my heart grows five sizes. It’s so great, and was one of the first “anti-princess” books I ever read.

Did anyone ever tell you you look like a penis with a little hat on?

Motherfucker, decide which way you want it before you sit down for a nine-hour interview. Daily Mail should ask for their money back.

Exactly. Fellow fat woman here, and I’m very bored of the idea of actors putting on fat suits (in which they always look extremely dumpy and frumpy for some reason.....) because there are still creators who see fat people telling their own stories as absurd and don’t believe that fat people actually groom themselves

“‘Meghan got her attitude from her mother. Doria always told Meghan, ‘If they’re not doing anything for you, why should you do anything for them?’”

Aside from whether it’s good or not, you can make an over the top satirical statement about fat shaming without using the trope of “fat girl loses weight, is deemed hot and is now important enough to be heard.”

Thank you for this, I will update with a correction. 

This reminds me of the BS selective door policy a lot of places use.

It’s common at bars in the US, not restaurants.

Exactly. And his whole “oh you’re gonna be here all night” bullshit? Motherfucker, if she wants to stay until last call that is her goddamned right because she has cash in hand and you are open for business. 

The question is: Is the policy uniformly enforced for all patrons? If it’s only applied to...certain people...that’s a problem.

I miss the Obamas so much. Also, Jake Tapper remains trash and tweeted a trash take about how the Obamas shouldn’t be going to a concert because the Democratic party is in trouble. Luckily, the replies ripped into him.

I love that picture.  The Obama’s more so than almost any other public couple seemed to have a real and generally happy marriage. I loved that they seemed to show genuine affection for each other while acknowledging that marriage takes work and that they don’t always agree on everything.

Not for nothing, but this is probably my favourite Barack/Michelle photograph. It was taken during their final state dinner, and I would pay good money to know what Barack said approximately five seconds before this picture was taken, because he looks pleased as hell with himself for having said it, but Michelle

Watching anything with the Obama’s or even Hillary Clinton makes me too sad for what we’ve lost. Fucking hell but I’m glad they are living their best lives. They deserve it.

I’m all for letting priests marry but these men don’t rape children and teenagers because they can’t marry. If anything that would just lead to them having affairs with adults (which absolutely happens.)

In Virginia, my married, happily and deliberately child-free friend, age ~42, wanted her tubes tied, and the doctor demanded that she provide proof that she had her husband’s permission. So she didn’t get one. (She and her husband had agreed on it, but she was pissed about the rule.)

Yeah, and you know what, the doctor likely WILL DO THE DAMN VASECTOMY WITHOUT A FUSS! Whereas if you are a woman who wants to have your tubes tied, it’s a freaking Hurculean struggle to even get a doctor to *consider* it if you aren’t a.) a mother of AT LEAST 2 already, and b.) married, AND c.) over 30, but really 35,

Nuns have been mistreated - not just by individual priests or mothers superior, but by the church as an institution. Oftentimes, as so many stories that came out of the Irish work houses betrayed, nuns themselves became abusers.