
Many, if not all, seasons of SCTV are on DVD. check out Amazon. This is SCTV right?

Just linked to this from your Zelda article. Funny AF my man! Sent it in to my brothers for a laugh!

I believe the MST3K line was ‘we need to wipe out the Klingons [at Uranus]’

That what Ratner’s cerebrospinal fluid consists of, his brain floats in Jesse Eisenberg’s piss.

Riiiiight because if one happens to live near the ocean, one is imbued with discerning tastes and a penchant to arrive at one’s own conclusion about whether or not a movie is worth seeing. Meanwhile if one lives away from the ocean their IQ plummets and can only rely on a RT score when one decides to scrape the cow

Can we pleeaaaaaase stop opening posts with “Wow.”? So played.

That’s what you say huh? Do you lambast all Muslims, including rhe liberal and tolerant, for not constantly and publicly decrying extemeism? Or do you give them the benefit of the doubt?

Sit down Ralph

I would agree with a special license for augmented cars. When discussing age, we also need an upper limit as there are millions of aging drivers with subclinical dementia and declining vision/hearing/reaction times that should not even be driving a putzy 4-banger


Hugs and kisses to you too ;)

I have no need to stroll away whistling, as I am having a bit of fun here (like you apparently).

Well kid, at least you have a handle on your temper. Your tendency to endlessly repeat your point with ever growing hysteria is quite charming. Also, kudos for deftly restating my last post! If you were capable of grasping subtext you would have inferred that I mock individuals who routine post first/early on

Ehhh. There is a reason why people are starring the comment at a ratio of 3:1 to your retort. It is still relevant. There were many who said their childhood was destroyed, and that Star Wars was dead to them etc... true Lucas was the focus of their ire, but still. My point is that people love the Star Wars

Well, that’s kinda true. But most agree if Lucas had produced rather than directed we would have had better films

Oh for Pete’s sake. Neck beards are those who are ridiculous to get all bitchy about pop culture. I adore all this shit, but if it is not to my liking, I can stroll away whistling. So I come here for news, but can’t resist poking fun at people taking oaths over fictional characters.

So are you bare nerves trailing everywhere.

It is close enough be be relevant; if you want to get down to über-semantics then nearly everything is false equivalency. Plus, my shit was funnier than yours. Nyuk nyuk.

The Marvel movies don’t have a ‘Lucas’, precious few are directed by the same individuals.

No son, this is a ‘direct comparison’. A collection of neck beards, a series of Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies, strong feelings correlated to source material that connects said neck beards to their comparison