
Mm-hmm, sounds like Star Wars fans during the prequels. I think I saw every one of them at Ep 7.

If Diney is backing it, they’re coming out...eventually

The Undiscovered Country was pure schmaltz

I don’t know you, but as a fellow soul I love you. Trust in something greater than yourself.

There are dangers of having too low a BMI in old age. Infections and injuries induce a catabolic state, if you have zero reserve, you won’t fare so well.

I think it is “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, I mean that kid looked cursed right?

Here’s hoping that my years of strenuous masturbation will pay rich dividends as I march towards immorality immortality

You are banned from the Star Wars society Bryan Menegus! You and your children, and your children’s children!

Right there with you.

Right there with you.

Precisely. What a joke. Streaming cable with commercials to boot! Hard pass.

Have you considered that you may be a big chicken?

Maybe US civilians, who are snug as bugs in rugs. Don’t we care about innocent civilians in nations other than our own? Superman more like Superman.

Don’t confuse opinion with facts. Even if one opinion is much better founded.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, and aren’t the left supposed to be more tolerant by definition?

Oh help me Rhonda!

Try taking jet alert or another caffeine tablet (no on an empty stomach). 200 mg caffeine, no pooping, no additives to ding yer liver. Also crazy cheap.

Not everybody is a fan of pooping after arriving at work. But still, yeah coffee is much safer

As of now 589 votes for TamTams, and 3 for you. 99.5% would disagree with your assessment...

Gary, I hope you take the time to compare your stars to those who slammed you for your naïveté. Oh, and thanks for selling out your own countrymen in a pathetic attempt to broadcast your superiority

Fair enough, but I feel you are over generalizing. Being dismissive and/or apethetic is a far cry from intolerance (let alone violent intolerance), but I can respect your views