
No offense, but you sound like an asshole to me. Don’t jump down someone’s throat simply because they don’t say precisely what you think they should say. To preach tolerance and then exhibit it only to select groups is hypocritical. They guy hardly said anything approximating hate speech, just admitted he was

Same with my son! I found it on eBay though.

I think that is so endearing. Comics were meant to be read and enjoyed. I love buying Star Wars collectors stuff off eBay and then just letting my kids play with they were intended.

The latter.

Port Washington, NY, June 12, 2013 – The NPD Group, Inc., a global information company, released results on the U.S. fragrance industry. Sales of U.S. prestige men’s fragrance increased 6 percent, to $953 million, from May 2012 – April 2013, compared to the same time period last year.*

D9 was great

Only 50% was caps, and it was reaffirming to get confirmation that someone who uses terrible/tired phrases is also sarcastic. Try to spend some time today not thinking you’re superior, or at least no tearing down others who have the audacity to like something you don’t

Holy condescension Batman.

Ahhh the rarely used ‘Murica trope. I am fascinated by this attitude. Does posting this tripe foster your sense of intellectual superiority? What deficiency exists within you where you feel the need to blatantly over-generalize a country of 325 million people? Is your capacity for humor so limited that you simply ape

Agreed. I am just struggling with the relevancy of the article or the study itself. It is nigh onto 2017 and this is all very old news. The article is about 35 years late as only 7% of American households are traditional

You are 100% correct. It is frightening how so many educated people can think only on the most concrete level.

No matter what, I am naming my first planet Otisburg

You need to have this on hand, I think

NH and VT can be indistinguishable from WI at times. The East’s hills are grander, but WI has 15,000 lakes and a good deal of flat farmland to the south

Heh, I grew up and moved back to the the norther boundary of it. Two of my brothers are in LA, and they get quite homesick for blizzards and big thunderstorms.

There is nowhere on earth where there isn’t great beauty. My heart is in The Shire (Wisconsin)

My favorite line from the whole movie!

I had always assumed they were more or less solid creations. Hmm, the more you know.