
Not tall? Well he’s 5’11" which is slightly above average, and the same height as Orlando Bloom.  

Evil isn’t subjective. Boundaries between right and wrong can be blurred, but there are extremes that are not honestly debatable with a straight face

Me too, I kept saying “I’ll go a little later”, and when I got there they told me he just left, and when I asked the mall guy if he was ever coming back, he said he didn’t know

And cue the guy without a TV to use the opportunity to mention he doesn’t have a TV. Duly acknowledged sir, we all salute you.

Thank you!  This was a pointless article.

All words are made up!

I’m a Hospitalist.  If someone has a penicillin ‘allergy’ more than 10 years old, they are safe to retrial (unless the allergy was anaphylaxis).  If they pass the trial, I remove the allergy.  I do this consistently.

Mother of three, yet still a troll...

Hear hear!

Thank you. CPM is the most obnoxious ‘journalist’ I have ever seen on this site.  Io9 isn’t Jezebel or Root.  We don’t come here for the thrill of manufactured outrage.

Yep. Couldn’t make sense of it either. They couldn’t have spent 5 minutes showing us where we are on a bell curve or something?

Me 2. Is that decent? What’s the worst you can get?

There is AWD to consider which isn’t available on many (most) minivans

In the 5th grade I begged my dad to let me watch a horror movie, and he settled on this. I think he recalled he original black and white version when he grabbed it at the model store. I was messed up for days, and was out of my damn mind that first night.

Charles Pulliam-Moore apparently loves nothing more than pulling off his scabs, and rubbing salt into his wounds. Some people come here to read about movies, science, and cool shit. Seems like here is a more appropriate venue for politicizing.


Seriously, to always be seeking something to complain tiresome their life must be.

And you choose to be willfully ignorant of Christianity, or any religion I would hazard. Condemnation prior to investigation is the height of ignorance.

Sadly, as an atheist your world view states that lovely sentiment has no more relevance or importance than a random particle collision; and any personal relevance it has to you will be snuffed out upon the moment of your death.