Evil isn’t subjective. Boundaries between right and wrong can be blurred, but there are extremes that are not honestly debatable with a straight face
Evil isn’t subjective. Boundaries between right and wrong can be blurred, but there are extremes that are not honestly debatable with a straight face
I’m a Hospitalist. If someone has a penicillin ‘allergy’ more than 10 years old, they are safe to retrial (unless the allergy was anaphylaxis). If they pass the trial, I remove the allergy. I do this consistently.
There is AWD to consider which isn’t available on many (most) minivans
I am not familiar with Isha’s record, so I defer to you. Generally speaking, I do think we need to work against a culture of perpetual outrage.
Yes, yes! Let’s all shit on someone with good intentions. That always helps.
Sales are down, true (and that is encouraging). They are still profitable, just not as profitable as their board would like them to be. The Zero Sugar re-brand did much better in test markets, hence the rollout.
Get your white flag out yet? It appears overwhelming numbers flatly reject your premise, which appears to be a thin veil covering your misandry.
I would agree, and tell them to ditch Diet Coke; however, the fact that they exist is proof positive that your opinion on this is wrong too. Trust me, they have run the numbers, if they weren’t turning a profit, one would disappear. The sales do in fact justify the marketing.
I think I’m the only honkey that doesn’t watch GOT, never seen a single ep. I do need to remedy that, however.
Utterly heartbreaking.
I am a physician. Not a dermatologist or some other rarified breed, but a down-and-dirty in the trenches of humanity hospitalist. I get to help people and their families every day, whether it is effecting a cure, or helping them die well. All in all, an exceedingly challenging and rewarding life.
I feel so sorry and badly for her...even though it is really hard to craft run-on sentences back to back like that...and truly I see nothing wrong with her wordcraft what so ever.
...while gently massaging your buttocks.
Just linked to this from your Zelda article. Funny AF my man! Sent it in to my brothers for a laugh!
Can we pleeaaaaaase stop opening posts with “Wow.”? So played.
That’s what you say huh? Do you lambast all Muslims, including rhe liberal and tolerant, for not constantly and publicly decrying extemeism? Or do you give them the benefit of the doubt?
I would agree with a special license for augmented cars. When discussing age, we also need an upper limit as there are millions of aging drivers with subclinical dementia and declining vision/hearing/reaction times that should not even be driving a putzy 4-banger