
Happy joy for me is Jeff Goldblum

I’m excited to see these ladies. I would rather watch a two hour tampon commercial than see the previous reboot pitch where the new class of ‘busters had the circle-jerking crew of Seth Rogen et al.

I knew I would find this here. Bless you.

Someone with no kids, no significant other, and most likely no job

Indeed! I am sticking with my old brand.

Nice to meet a fan!

I can’t remember which book, but I know they say it is “Tuppy and the Terrier” season 1 of Jeeves and Wooster

Wodehouse wrote exclusively in that period and was very fond of the slang of the day. I didn't know it was still in common usage these days. Delighted it is though

+1, dog’s that a PG Wodehouse reference?

You're a Trip fan too?

I love Mr Snrub

There may have been ‘like, a killing’....but that doesn’t exclude ‘like, a resurrection’

I’m a dude, and just to recoup for our gender, I never thought that. I was a dreamer as a kid, and would lay outside and daydream. My friend’s parents had this painting in their house (his mother’s name is Christina). I always assumed she was like me, just outside laying in the sun and day dreaming.

26 minutes of snark? No thank you.

He's a man with a really good point and terrible taste.

You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.

This is a great link. I live in Wisconsin, but I have brothers who live in NYC and LA (yes i’m the boring one). We are all physicians and therefore clear the numbers here be a wide margin. Despite this, I would never consider living in their cities as I would not be ‘comfortable’ by my standards. For instance, my

That was my ONLY thought.

Not only did you make two assumptions about the post’s author, you missed his/her point. We do know the author of the article is a male, and he may identify as white...I don’t care. Regardless, he felt compelled to add a line that is very ‘inclusive’. I am not bothered by it, and it didn’t even register on my read

Well clearly you are a very special individual...wait not special, what’s that other ‘s’ word?