

I would like to agree with you, but then we would both be wrong.

Agreed. I have rewatched over the years and it holds up well due to its simplicity. I love the future messages coming via dreams and portending a not so happy ending.

You can’t treat sociopaths effectively, they are missing the circuitry to receive the benefit. A team of psychotherapists would simply be wasting their time. Lock her up, and never turn your back on her.

He is a pretentious ass.

It is the tired ‘murica trope that gets trotted out again and again when one wants to claim membership to the intelligentsia. I was always taught you don’t need to build yourself up by knocking others down. Intolerance also is immune to geographical boundaries. While there are ignorant jerks in America, it could be

Ah yes, because you can't make a valid point without showing contempt for 300 million individuals. Way to say the right thing, but still come off as a smug jackwad

This was awesome. Well done, and thanks!

Dumb name at least. You would think we could synthesize it though if we can manage interstellar voyages.

Heh. I just rewatched Avatar this week, so now I do give a fuck about the sequel. I give innumerable more fucks about Star Wars, however.

Well, now you’re just teasing me...


Ha ha ha!

The last time a dared to criticize King Nerd (for parroting others’ painfully obvious statements on AI) I was skewered by his Kinja defenders. Nevertheless, here I go:

I would deal with the nausea and guilt of scarfing buckets of fast food for days rather than watch this train wreck of a show.

We need to hang out.

Putting all my money on photino birds.

Definitely photino birds