
Agree completely. 2D first,then 24 hours later IMAX3D. It only enhanced the experience! I also had to drive 90 minutes, but totally worth it. I did the same for Avatar and TRON.

I assume I have no talent for editing, especially never having tried it. This is a cool concept, and I hope the original fan (or someone else) polishes it up further. I personally would have picked some different shots to intersperse.

But maybe they just think they are all not that tough? ;)

I was hoping the Rishi Maze was a globular cluster, but apparently it is a companion galaxy...

There is no option that is good. We get Emperor Palpatine, or Emperor Palpatine in a bra.

Groan, way to make the pathetic obvious comment we could all predict before even finishing the headline. I bet you love obvious puns too.

Couldn't have said it any better.

One does not beget the other, so no. Not remotely plausible. That's part of what makes it annoying. The acting is excellent, however.

I'm right there with ya

Isn’t this the future?

Now playing

Clear Coke was first, by a few decades (!)

Now playing

The FIRST clear soda was Coke...and much longer ago than thought. Here is the story:

My second viewing was in IMAX, and it felt even more epic!

Or rather ‘completely wrong, trollish, and laden with assholery’

Can I get an AMEN!?

God bless your nerdy nerdy soul!! (You sound awesome)

A case in an evening?! Impressive and concerning.
