
Dude, if you jumped from Adam West’s surprised brows to this, you missed a few iterations.

I think he was referring to Pegg having a writing credit on this one, that bit of news had caused some to hope he would steer things back towards the original vibe of Trek.

Can’t argue with that. Clearly you fall into the category where the deficiencies rankle you too much to enjoy it.

Additionally, I find it ironic that the thesis is “the prequels flat out sucked”, but then states that by removing 20 minutes of material they are now watchable/enjoyable. Doesn’t really follow does it?

Yes, exactly....well almost exactly. More like:

Superintelligent AI? I will start to worry when cognitively impaired Siri understands > 25% of what I tell her with my unaccented American English.

I am committed in the fight against binge Netflix, PS4, reading, and even spontaneous I had three kids.

My oh my, such snarky superiority. And a chorus of other hipsters in loud agreement, so you just know that you are all, in fact, too cool for this movie.

Oh FFS...Get.Over.It.

He’s Canadian no?

Jango was a threat. He had already given ObiWan a black eye, and flat out murdered the first Jedi to draw on him while they were all still on the balcony. Deflecting a few blaster shots at a dead run hardly qualifies as ‘no threat’ to Mace. Plus, Jango was an opportunistic asshole with no moral compass and had clearly

Not an option for many...

Charming is exactly the word!

Cut from the same cloth here, but Swede/Germanic...with maybe some Jewish (? I really need to send my DNA in) guilt “You can do whatever you want with your life, but we know you will not be happy unless you’re a doctor”

I hear ya. Funny how one was written by a devout Catholic, and the other an atheist

Don’t hipsterize it? Too late my friend, to forage recreationally is pure unadulterated hipsterism

Dude. Tobey was a bad choice, but it's cool if you dig him.

Well I recall him crying a fuckload more than once per movie, and his cry face is one of his least annoying faces...

Now that movie is truly one of the best!

Ugh. The best? Maybe at the time, but no longer. Every casting choice was shit except for Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and JJJ. The rest chewed scenery (JJJ is the only one meant to be a true caricature).