
Also, if you rely on an internet article to teach you how to be a man...well your work is cut out for ya.

Damn you Mad Cow! Beat me to it

I will not hear anymore talk against the Boat!

It’s called dermatographism

Um, yeah. Thanks for playing.

I have been terrifically disappointed by Nerf. The earlier incarnation of this blaster stopped working after 2 months with the clip no longer feeding darts. The Nerf Boom co. Twisted Spinner blaster broke with 5 seconds of use....Hard to keep seeing your 7 year old son disappointed

It's cool if you're not into women, but you don't need to be insulting dude.

“Broke into the wrong goddamn rec room didn’t ya?!!”

See, now there is that cunning wit I was referring to! Well played sir.

Oh good. Another chance for the prequel haters to demonstrate their cunning wit! There are always such new and original comments....

How many years did Westerns persist? From the 1930s thru the 60’s before fading. Probably at least 20 years for comics.

Can't sleep...clown will eat me

Danger Will Robinson! Prescription pain medication use has increased manifold over recent years. Despite this pain remains undertreated. Simultaneously we are seeing a huge spike in medication related deaths and heroin abuse (when prescriptions are hard to obtain).

Again, original post said nothing about cool vs uncool. Just idiotic vs not idiotic

Fair point. I am sorry for having sand in my crotch. Hadn’t finished my coffee when I first read, but feeling more in line with creation now.

So now people can’t hold things while looking at things without being called a dork? Those are kids playing a game. Maybe not cool, but certainly not uncool. And who the fuck said anything about being cool in the first place? He said something about not looking like a drooling imbecile. Looks like you just preferred

Hittin’ all the right notes!

Mmmmmmmm, gristley

The Ramada commercial is from the early 90’s. There is an episode from around then too where they did the same shtick, but I can’t recall/find which one