
that's cool. I hope you do agree with vaccinations though

I don't have to. I circumcised both my sons. They are now 7 and 2. They both slept through the procedure without a cry or a grimace. I am also a physician with many pediatrician colleagues. They all circumcised their sons too, and without anything fore than Tylenol and a sugar water bottle.

I loved A Distant Mirror. Anything by Tuchman is pure gold, her wit is unparalleled!

eh, get over it. It probably isn't healthy to dwell on mossing foreskin for 40 years. And despair not, I am here to tell you sex ain't all that different. Did you not read my original post?

it all comes down to point of view. Porn stars even take things further and dose their schlongs with lidocaine,

that is fine. No need to feel personally attacked. Circumcision does eliminate the risk of penile cancer, and seriously cuts down on STD transmission including HIV. HPV is also included and subsequently cuts down on cervical and rectal cancer rates.


definitely need to make sure you have good hygiene prior to oral if uncut. It is not a huge burden and a quick retraction of the foreskin and a swipe with a baby wipe will suffice.

true, but there is additional data out there. 2 seconds on Google gave me this

Well...duh. Nevertheless the sensation of orgasm is unchanged. Hypersensitivity is not better, just a quicker way to the finish line.

And almost all the pro foreskin sites are fetishy as well with ads about how to attach weights to your schooner and reclaim what was lost. I agree that my link was weird, but there is not much in he way of truly scientific objective data out there regarding sexual sensation

Fair point to you as well. Nevertheless, experiences such as my own are our best guide to navigate these questions. Everything else ends up being speculation, transference, and counter-transference on a hugely subjective experience. Those with foreskins recoil in horror at the thought. Are they just trying to put on

there is no loss of sensation per se. As best as science can tell foreskin makes the glans hypersensitive. This would naturally be interpreted by foreskin owners (including myself) to mean 'more sensation'. In actuality the pleasure of orgasm is unchanged, and there is the additional benefit of improved endurance.

anybody who says 'this' in response to a post needs to be beaten with a dung-filled sock for 90 minutes. You have earned yourself quite the thrashing there.

this is a lie

In hindsight I wish my parents had circumcised me. There are sound reasons behind the American Academy of Pediatrics stance of pro-circumcision. For me it comes down to the simple fact that babies need only sugar water and a pacifier, whereas in an adult the surface area is much greater and therefore more pain.

I was circumcised in my 20s due to a precancerous lesion. Needless to say I was both petrified and despondent because of this misinformation that without foreskin, my penis would become the sensual equivalent of my big toe. Having now been on both sides of the fence, I am one of the few who can call bullshit on guys

Yes, let's insult an entire nation comprised primarily of well-intentioned families just trying their best. This hipster anti-patriotic attitude is so tiresome.

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothing to plunder

don't bank on that