
Miss that show

Enjoy the remainder of your 40 year mega drought!

homophobic comments get numerous 'likes' these days? C'mon io9 readership, you're supposed to be more enlightened....

I read his posts, he is an ignorant piece of racist refuse who committed a horrible crime. He is also an idiot for posting anything. That being said, this 37 years of solitary is beyond the limit of reason. I doubt it will hold against the current scrutiny.

Somebody call Jeff VanderMeer, Area X has begun!

Umm, the spleen is kinda important...I think you meant 'appendix' or 'gallbladder'

Great rendering, soulless voice acting

THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE SERIOUS, but rather just for fun:

I am impressed at the number shown, but really disappointed in the shots chosen as well as the speed they felt compelled to use. I would have preferred it to be two minutes longer and been able to appreciate what was on the screen.

Beyond purdy, they are real purdy! Thanks for the find Jesus!

You're right on all counts. I just grow weary of the predictable and cookie cutter blow back from all of the self-fancied 'progressives'. How many of her defenders would hire her for a babysitter? I'm guessing not one. How many would cross the street if they saw her coming? All of them if they could do it and still

Everybody says the later, including me. The existence of the 2 legged AT-ST, makes me wonder if it is, in fact, the former. So to sum up....o don't know.

Yes, I am aware and appreciate every point you are making. If you read my words you will see that I am very careful not to speak in absolutes. I use words like think/guess/seem/infer. I did this specifically to prevent you from being compelled to point out how you are the exception to all of the above. I had already

snarky comments always play so well, and give those who make them a well-wrought sense of satisfaction... smugness some might say.

I would guess that you are just very comfortable with who you are, and don't put too much stock in societal norms or the expectations of others. Probably signs of a rock solid and genuine character. But let's take it even further and picture one who doesn't clip their nails, ever cut their hair, brush their teeth,

I love the intolerant asshole preaching tolerance, can you smell the hypocrisy? You reek of it.

hmmm, yes, that is exactly what I said. You're very clever you know!

well I didn't have time to research every commentator so I took the liberty of a broad generalization. The guy's original comment actually had a number of 'likes', but the thread of backlash commentary was as painfully predictable as usual, so I felt compelled to commiserate. At the same time I have seen similar

just because you say it is, doesn't make it so. Yours remains specious logic.