
Plus after cessation of life support you need to die within a certain timeframe. I frequently need to oversee withdrawal of support in the OR with the transplant team waiting. The person manages to survive for a few hours too long. The transplant team needs to pack it all up, and the patient dies later without being

There are things that are societal norms like shaving, bathing, wearing deodorant, earrings, etc, and then here is radical body modification. The same applies across cultures. The tribes that do body modification like neck elongation, plates in their lips etc, are doing what their societal norms are; and nobody

I didn't overstate anything, just made a tongue in cheek observation. I don't think I compared anyone to Nazis, nor did I mention oppression. If anything I was trying to lend a little humorous support to some guy who, God forbid, stated an opinion.

just an observation my friend. Thanks for proving my point about the kinja commentator intolerance to any opinion that doesn't jive with their own.

Jesus, I dig you man, but I think (operative word) that she is probably (another operative word) doing this in part for shock value as well as to compensate for some form of emotional/spiritual deficiency. Would you offer the same defense for an anorexic or the super-morbidly obese? Despite claims to the contrary,

My dear fellow,

Have faith in Brad Bird

Enter the black market.

Nope, not grey...just dirty green.

I go for the old standards on average too, but sometimes it is just fun to eat some weird and freaky shit. Often I find something that is amazing and unlike anything I had tasted before

I own that issue! I read it to my boy the ther day. Collectibles be damned. Toys and comics were meant to be enjoyed!

Damn, just posted the same and saw you beat me to it!

I wonder how I will die in this movie?

I believe that it wasn't anachronistic then, though it would be now. It all depended on the social strata you were in. I think at age 15 master changes to mister.

I have to admit, I would eat that...but would hate myself for it

and we can see which high schooler just finished their social studies report on Marx. Way to have a 2D view of society!

Individual patients can certainly be high risk, and no procedure of any sort is without risk. Even a dental cleaning can lead to endocarditis. Many neurosurgeries can carry a high risk of morbidity....still I don't support a claim that basic surgeries are extremely dangerous.

Please describe which 'basic' Neurosurgical and Opthalmological surgical techniques are 'extremely' dangerous, and why. Bear in mind I am a physician, so it will be harder to bullshit me. I have also had basic eye surgery and have sent more than a few patients to the neurosurgeon, and did not feel like I was sending

In Michael Crichton's Sphere, the same explanation was made. I have kept that mental picture ever since.

Nice to see something positive on the show. Perhaps I am too forgiving, as I can recognize when I am outnumbered....but I liked about 75% oh the Voyager episodes.