
that's cool. I have been on the receiving end of kinja assaults based on past comments as well

Cooper can act. Being pretty and recognizable shouldnt detract from that. Even in Wedding Crashers he played the dick so well that it colored my vision of him for years. As others have stated Silver Linings, GOTG, American Hustle show a respectable range

They are science nerds, not lit nerds ;)

FYI a these are not 'bodies in motion', these are snapshots with 3D post processing. The perceived movement is simply rotating the image or panning thru it. I think the only 'moving' images we can achieve are still through fluroscopy only.

I can see your point, but would add that if you have ever loved an addict, you would know that is not actually true.

It is not too early. If anything they are running way late. Don't you understand that Star Wars is basically a license to print money? The moment the deal was made, Disney announced Episodes 7,8,9, with spin off movies to allow for a new Star Wars movie every year going forward. Don't you recall the financial

New England = Wisconsin

As much as I loved 1 and 2 in the series, he subsequent chapters were disappointing, and I seriously tire of this whole Ridley/Christ/Bridge deal. The compulsive need to tie her into each movie as the pivotal character is what finished the series in the end.

No, it means you need to cook more often ;)

You are almost certainly right

Great fraking advice at the last hour too bad these gifts were wrapped and/mailed days ago

Well okay then! I guess I'll take it! Would they accept an out-of-state-third-party bad check?

Some awesome elements, but the absence of any shades in the sleeping in in this house I guess.

Yes because he advocates for a grandfather showing love....

I have had a long standing love/hate relationship with the wee beasties. Beautiful in their own way, and extraordinarily clever; yet cocky and annoying as shit. They are bold enough to continue feeding in a carcass despite a two ton vehicle bearing down on them at impressive speed (cocky). Waking my ass up with ear

My grandfather had two, and in the 1920s the family doc snipped one off at the farmhouse....not sure why, but it may have boosted his intelligence. My grandfather went to college at 15 and became a surgeon himself.

I have learned that io9 is fairly prone to

Yes Mother.

Everything except Gawker (too NYC centric for this Midwest boy) and Jezebel (just because)

Myers hasn't been funny since the 1st Austin Powers. Prior to that he could do no wrong. Matter that...well the Shreks were clever, but he did not have a writing credit.